Thursday, July 14, 2011

This girl. . .

is driving from Oklahoma to Atlanta, Georgia with a friend today.

I am confessing now that I prayed for the last several weeks that this trip would not take place. She is my oldest, 19 years old, a dream of a daughter, and I am having trouble letting go this much.

A group of college friends are meeting to watch the premier of the final Harry Potter movie. I appreciate the importance of this event--I truly do. She grew up with Harry--me reading aloud and midnight book releases and friends dressing up for movies. They are technically the same age, she and Harry. But that is a long drive for such a little girl.

Oh, Lord, the world is big and she is small, even if she doesn't know it. I know you hold it all in your mighty hand. Hold her. When I talked to her about my fears for her, she told me to trust in You. She knows how much I do.  Hold my fears and guard her life. And bring her safely home.


  1. Looks like Jeff's cousin Abby at Painting Truth is having some of the same feelings today. She expresses them beautifully!

  2. She made it safely there!

  3. I can only imagine how difficult it is to watch your child drive away. I am sure she had a great time. My two teens were at a Harry Potter party last night before going to see the midnight release with friends. So much fun for them.

    Hey, I am a Kansas girl! We were neighbors. I now live in Illinois. So glad I found your blog. Thanks for sharing it with me.
