Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year, New Blog

Sort of. . .

It’s been a while. I never finished those posts about our vacation. Summer and fall have come and gone. So have the holidays. I thought I had given up blogging all together.

But for the last few days I’ve been trying to think of a way I could pull this together better in the new year, and it struck me that one of my difficulties is my narrow focus.

Celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis make up a chunk of my life, but certainly not all of it, and I just can’t seem to make myself write about them regularly. I eat them. I read about them. I pray about them. These two diseases take up an incredible about of space in my brain—but they don’t have to take up all the space in my blog!

So I am setting my blog free—I may still write about RA and our gluten free family.

Or I may not.

I am working part-time again. I love to read. I worry too much. I’ve had shingles on and off since June. You will read about these things. And my children. And maybe we’ll get through this cold winter together.

Happy New Year!

The Lady (still) In Pred

1 comment:

  1. GF recipes would be a hit :)
    You're in my blog reader, so whenever you post, I see it. Sporadically works.

    Hope the job is one you love.
